Here it is in plain English, we offer a 1 Year 100% Satisfaction Guarantee, and you just pay for the return shipping. No strings attached.
We know the process can be a bit overwhelming and we're here to help. Schedule a free 25 minute consult to help you plan your zip line project. Plus you'll receive a discount code to help with your order!
Free US Ground Shipping on orders over $300 (up to 150 lbs, excludes AK, HI & Freight)
If you’re planning to build a zip line that runs over water, rough terrain, or sits too high for a regular trolley walk-back, then the Boomerang is for you.
The Rerun is designed with a pulley system that uses a counterweight to bring your trolley automatically back up to the top of your zip line after each ride.
When Nathan Sleadd launched off his first Zip Line platform, the thrill propelled him into the dream that became ZipLineGear. From install to airborne, his innovative design set industry standards and created a process that empowers each customer.